
At this point, you should know enough about numerical computing in Rust to efficiently implement any classic one-dimensional computation, from FFT to BLAS level 1 vector operations.

Sadly, this is not enough, because the real world insists on solving multi-dimensional mathematical problems1. And therefore you will need to learn what it takes to make these efficient in Rust too.

The first step to get there is to have a way to actually get multi-dimensional arrays into your code. Which will be the topic of this chapter.


Multi-dimensional array libraries are actually not a strict requirement for numerical computing. If programming like a BASIC programmer from the 80s is your kink, you can just treat any 1D array as a multidimensional array by using the venerable index linearization trick:

fn main() {
let array = [00, 01, 02, 03, 04,
             10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
             20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
             30, 31, 32, 33, 34];
let row_length = 5;

let index_2d = [2, 1];
let index_linear = row_length * index_2d[0] + index_2d[1];

assert_eq!(array[index_linear], 21);

There are only two major problems with this way of doing things:

  • Writing non-toy code using this technique is highly error-prone. You will spend many hours debugging why a wrong result is returned, only to find out much later that you have swapped the row and column index, or did not keep the row length metadata in sync with changes to the contents of the underlying array.
  • It is nearly impossible to access manually implemented multidimensional arrays without relying on lots of manual array/Vec indexing. The correctness and runtime performance issues of these indexing operations in Rust should be familiar to you by now. So if we can, it would be great to get rid of them in our code.

The ndarray crate resolves these problems by implementing all the tricky index linearization code for you, and exposing it using types that act like a multidimensional version of Rust’s Vecs and slices. These types keep data and shape metadata in sync for you, and come with multidimensional versions of all the utility methods that you are used to coming from standard library Vec and slices, including multidimensional overlapping window iterators.

ndarray is definitely not the only library doing this in the Rust ecosystem, but it is one of the most popular ones. This means that you will find plenty of other libraries that build on top of it, like linear algebra and statistics libraries. Also, of all available options, it is in my opinion currently the one that provides the best tradeoff between ease of use, runtime performance, generality and expressive power. This makes it an excellent choice for computations that go a bit outside of the linear algebra textbook vocabulary, including the Gray-Scott reaction simulation that we will implement next.

Adding ndarray to your project

As usual, adding a new dependency is as easy as cargo add:

cargo add ndarray

But this time, you may want to look into the list of optional features that gets displayed in your console when you run this command:

$ cargo add ndarray
    Updating crates.io index
      Adding ndarray v0.15.6 to dependencies
             + std
             - approx
             - approx-0_5
             - blas
             - cblas-sys
             - docs
             - libc
             - matrixmultiply-threading
             - rayon
             - rayon_
             - serde
             - serde-1
             - test

By default, ndarray keeps the set of enabled features small in order to speed up compilation. But if you want to do more advanced numerics with ndarray in the future, some of the optional functionality, like integration with the system BLAS, or parallel Rayon iterators over the contents of multidimensional arrays may come very handy. We will, however, not need them for this particular course, so let’s move on.

Creating Arrays

The heart of ndarray is ArrayBase, a very generic multidimensional array type that can either own its data (like Vec) or borrow it from a Rust slice that you obtained from some other source.

While you are learning Rust, you will likely find it easier to avoid using this very general-purpose generic type directly, and instead work with the various type aliases that are provided by the ndarray crate for easier operation. For our purposes, three especially useful aliases will be…

  • Array2, which represents an owned two-dimensional array of data (similar to Vec<T>)
  • ArrayView2, which represents a shared 2D slice of data (similar to &[T])
  • ArrayViewMut2, which represents a mutable 2D slice of data (similar to &mut [T])

But because these are just type aliases, the documentation page for them will not tell you about all available methods. So you will still want to keep the ArrayBase documentation close by.

Another useful tool in ndarray is the array! macro, which lets you create Arrays using a syntax analogous to that of the vec![] macro:

use ndarray::array;

let a2 = array![[01, 02, 03],
                [11, 12, 13]];

You can also create Arrays from a function that maps each index to a corresponding data element…

use ndarray::{Array, arr2};

// Create a table of i × j (with i and j from 1 to 3)
let ij_table = Array::from_shape_fn((3, 3), |(i, j)| (1 + i) * (1 + j));

    // You can also create an array from a slice of Rust arrays
    arr2(&[[1, 2, 3],
           [2, 4, 6],
           [3, 6, 9]])

…and if you have a Vec of data around, you can turn it into an Array as well. But because a Vec does not come with multidimensional shape information, you will need to provide this information separately, at the risk of it going out of sync with the source data. And you will also need to pay close attention to the the order in which Array elements should be provided by the input Vec (ndarray uses row-major order by default).

So all in all, in order to avoid bugs, it is best to avoid these conversions and stick with the ndarray APIs whenever you can.


Rust iterators were designed for one-dimensional data, and using them for multidimensional data comes at the cost of losing useful information. For example, they cannot express concepts like “here is a block of data that is contiguous in memory, but then there is a gap” or “I would like the iterator to skip to the next row of my matrix here, and then resume iteration”.

For this reason, ndarray does not directly use standard Rust iterators. Instead, it uses a homegrown abstraction called NdProducer, which can be lossily converted to a standard iterator.

We will not be leveraging the specifics of ndarray producers much in this course, as standard iterators are enough for what we are doing. But I am telling you about this because it explains why iterating over Arrays may involve a different API than iterating over a standard Rust collection, or require an extra into_iter() producer-to-iterator conversion step.

In simple cases, however, the conversion will just be done automatically. For example, here is how one would iterate over 3x3 overlapping windows of an Array2 using ndarray:

use ndarray::{array, azip};

let arr = array![[01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09],
                 [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
                 [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29],
                 [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39],
                 [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49]];

for win in arr.windows([3, 3]) {

ndarray comes with a large set of producers, some of which are more specialized and optimized than others. It is therefore a good idea to spend some time looking through the various options that can be used to solve a particular problem, rather than picking the first producer that works.

Indexing and slicing

Like Vecs and slices, Arrays and ArrayViews support indexing and slicing. And as with Vecs and slices, it is generally a good idea to avoid using these operations for performance and correctness reasons, especially inside of performance-critical loops.

Indexing works using square brackets as usual, the only new thing being that you can pass in an array or a tuple of indices instead of just one index:

use ndarray::Array2;
let mut array = Array2::zeros((4, 3));
array[[1, 1]] = 7;

However, a design oversight in the Rust indexing operator means that it cannot be used for slicing multidimensional arrays. Instead, you will need the following somewhat unclean syntax:

use ndarray::s;
let b = a.slice(s![.., 0..1, ..]);

Notice the use of an s![] macro for constructing a slicing configuration object, which is then passed to a slice() method of the generic ArrayView object.

This is just one of many slicing methods. Among others, we also get…

  • slice(), which creates ArrayViews (analogous to &vec[start..finish])
  • slice_mut(), which creates ArrayViewMuts (analogous to &mut vec[start..finish])
  • multi_slice_mut(), which creates several non-overlapping ArrayViewMuts in a single transaction. This can be used to work around Rust’s “single mutable borrow” rule when it proves to be an unnecessary annoyance.
  • slice_move(), which consumes the input array or view and returns an owned slice.


All ndarray types natively support a sum() operation. Compare its performance to that or your optimized floating-point sum implementation over a wide range of input sizes.

One thing which will make your life easier is that Array1, the owned one-dimensional array type, can be built from a standard iterator using the Array::from_iter() constructor.


…which are a poor fit for the one-dimensional memory architecture of standard computers, and this causes a nearly infinite amount of fun problems that we will not all cover during this course.