If you paid close attention during the first part of this course, you may have been thinking for a while now that there is some code in the Gray-Scott computation that looks like a perfect candidate for introducing fused multiply-add CPU instructions.
More specifically, if we look at an iteration of the update loop…
// Access the SIMD data corresponding to the center concentration
let u = win_u[STENCIL_OFFSET];
let v = win_v[STENCIL_OFFSET];
// Compute the diffusion gradient for U and V
let [full_u, full_v] = (win_u.rows().into_iter())
.flat_map(|((u_row, v_row), weights_row)| {
[Vector::splat(0.); 2],
|[acc_u, acc_v], ((stencil_u, stencil_v), weight)| {
let weight = Vector::splat(weight);
acc_u + weight * (stencil_u - u),
acc_v + weight * (stencil_v - v),
// Compute SIMD versions of all the float constants that we use
let diffusion_rate_u = Vector::splat(DIFFUSION_RATE_U);
let diffusion_rate_v = Vector::splat(DIFFUSION_RATE_V);
let feedrate = Vector::splat(opts.feedrate);
let killrate = Vector::splat(opts.killrate);
let deltat = Vector::splat(opts.deltat);
let ones = Vector::splat(1.0);
// Compute the output values of u and v
let uv_square = u * v * v;
let du = diffusion_rate_u * full_u - uv_square + feedrate * (ones - u);
let dv = diffusion_rate_v * full_v + uv_square - (feedrate + killrate) * v;
*out_u = u + du * deltat;
*out_v = v + dv * deltat;
…we can see that the diffusion gradient’s fold()
statement and the
computation of the output values of u
and v
are full of floating point
multiplications followed by additions.
It would surely seem sensible to replace these with fused multiply-add operations that compute multiplication-addition pairs 2x faster and more accurately at the same time!
Free lunch at last?
Enticed by the prospect of getting an easy 2x performance speedup at last, we might proceed to rewrite all the code using fused multiply-add operations…
// We must bring this trait in scope in order to use mul_add()
use std::simd::StdFloat;
// Compute the diffusion gradient for U and V
let [full_u, full_v] = (win_u.rows().into_iter())
.flat_map(|((u_row, v_row), weights_row)| {
[Vector::splat(0.); 2],
|[acc_u, acc_v], ((stencil_u, stencil_v), weight)| {
let weight = Vector::splat(weight);
// NEW: Introduced FMA here
(stencil_u - u).mul_add(weight, acc_u),
(stencil_v - v).mul_add(weight, acc_v),
// Compute SIMD versions of all the float constants that we use
let diffusion_rate_u = Vector::splat(DIFFUSION_RATE_U);
let diffusion_rate_v = Vector::splat(DIFFUSION_RATE_V);
let feedrate = Vector::splat(opts.feedrate);
let killrate = Vector::splat(opts.killrate);
let deltat = Vector::splat(opts.deltat);
let ones = Vector::splat(1.0);
// Compute the output values of u and v
// NEW: Introduced even more FMA there
let uv_square = u * v * v;
let du = diffusion_rate_u.mul_add(full_u, (ones - u).mul_add(feedrate, -uv_square));
let dv = diffusion_rate_v.mul_add(full_v, -(feedrate + killrate).mul_add(v, uv_square));
*out_u = du.mul_add(deltat, u);
*out_v = dv.mul_add(deltat, v);
…and then run our microbenchmarks, full of hope…
simulate/16x16 time: [8.3555 µs 8.3567 µs 8.3580 µs]
thrpt: [30.629 Melem/s 30.634 Melem/s 30.638 Melem/s]
time: [+731.23% +731.59% +731.89%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-87.979% -87.975% -87.970%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
6 (6.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
simulate/64x64 time: [68.137 µs 68.167 µs 68.212 µs]
thrpt: [60.048 Melem/s 60.088 Melem/s 60.114 Melem/s]
time: [+419.07% +419.96% +421.09%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-80.809% -80.768% -80.735%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
Benchmarking simulate/256x256: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Warning: Unable to complete 100 samples in 5.0s. You may wish to increase target time to 8.7s, enable flat sampling, or reduce sample count to 50.
simulate/256x256 time: [891.62 µs 891.76 µs 891.93 µs]
thrpt: [73.476 Melem/s 73.491 Melem/s 73.502 Melem/s]
time: [+327.65% +329.35% +332.59%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-76.883% -76.709% -76.616%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
8 (8.00%) high severe
simulate/1024x1024 time: [10.769 ms 11.122 ms 11.489 ms]
thrpt: [91.266 Melem/s 94.276 Melem/s 97.370 Melem/s]
time: [+34.918% +39.345% +44.512%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-30.802% -28.236% -25.881%]
Performance has regressed.
Benchmarking simulate/4096x4096: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Warning: Unable to complete 100 samples in 5.0s. You may wish to increase target time to 6.9s, or reduce sample count to 70.
simulate/4096x4096 time: [71.169 ms 71.273 ms 71.376 ms]
thrpt: [235.05 Melem/s 235.39 Melem/s 235.74 Melem/s]
time: [+0.1618% +0.4000% +0.6251%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-0.6213% -0.3984% -0.1616%] Change within noise
…but ultimately, we get nothing but disappointment and perplexity. What’s going on, and why does this attempt at optimization slow everything down to a crawl instead of speeding things up?
The devil in the details
Software performance optimization is in many ways like natural sciences: when experiment stubbornly refuses to agree with our theory, it is good to review our theoretical assumptions.
When we say that modern x86 hardware can compute an FMA for the same cost as a multiplication or an addition, what we actually mean is that hardware can compute two FMAs per cycle, much like it can compute two additions per cycle1 and two multiplications per cycle.
However, that statement comes with an “if” attached: our CPUs can only compute two FMAs per cycle if there is sufficient instruction-level parallelism in the code to keep the FMA units busy.
And it does not end there, those “if“s just keep piling up:
- FMAs have a higher latency than additions. Therefore it takes more instruction-level parallelism to hide that latency by excuting unrelated work while waiting for the results to come out. If you happen to be short on instruction-level parallelism, adding more FMAs will quickly make your program latency-bound, and thus slower.
- SIMD multiplication, addition and subtraction are quite flexible in terms of which registers or memory locations inputs can come from, which registers outputs can go to, and when negation can be applied. In contrast, because they have three operands, FMAs suffer from combinatorial explosion and end up with less supported patterns. It is therefore easier to end up in a situation where a single hardware FMA instruction cannot do the trick and you need more CPU instructions to do what looks like a single multiply + add/sub pattern in the code.
All this is to say, the hardware FMA implementations that we have today have mainly been designed to make CPUs score higher at LINPACK benchmarking contests, and achieved this goal with flying colors. As an unexpected bonus, it turns out that they may also prove useful when implementing several other very regular linear algebra and signal processing routines that do nothing but performing lots of independent FMAs in rapid succession. But for any kind of computation that exhibits a less trivial and regular pattern of floating point (add, mul) pairs, it may take serious work from your side to achieve the promised 2x speedup from the use of FMA instructions.
Take two
Keeping the above considerations in mind, we will start by scaling back our FMA ambitions, and only using FMAs in the initial part of the code that looks like a dot product.
The rationale for this is that the rest of the code is largely latency-bound, and irregular enough to hit FMA implementations corner cases. Therefore hardware FMA is unlikely to help there.
// Compute the diffusion gradient for U and V
let [full_u, full_v] = (win_u.rows().into_iter())
.flat_map(|((u_row, v_row), weights_row)| {
[Vector::splat(0.); 2],
|[acc_u, acc_v], ((stencil_u, stencil_v), weight)| {
let weight = Vector::splat(weight);
// NEW: We keep the FMAs here...
(stencil_u - u).mul_add(weight, acc_u),
(stencil_v - v).mul_add(weight, acc_v),
// Compute SIMD versions of all the float constants that we use
let diffusion_rate_u = Vector::splat(DIFFUSION_RATE_U);
let diffusion_rate_v = Vector::splat(DIFFUSION_RATE_V);
let feedrate = Vector::splat(opts.feedrate);
let killrate = Vector::splat(opts.killrate);
let deltat = Vector::splat(opts.deltat);
let ones = Vector::splat(1.0);
// Compute the output values of u and v
// NEW: ...but we roll back the introduction of FMA there.
let uv_square = u * v * v;
let du = diffusion_rate_u * full_u - uv_square + feedrate * (ones - u);
let dv = diffusion_rate_v * full_v + uv_square - (feedrate + killrate) * v;
*out_u = u + du * deltat;
*out_v = v + dv * deltat;
If we benchmark this new implementation against the FMA-less implementation, we get results that look a lot more reasonable already when compared to the previous chapter’s version:
simulate/16x16 time: [1.0638 µs 1.0640 µs 1.0642 µs]
thrpt: [240.55 Melem/s 240.60 Melem/s 240.65 Melem/s]
time: [+5.5246% +5.5631% +5.5999%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-5.3029% -5.2699% -5.2354%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 3 outliers among 100 measurements (3.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
1 (1.00%) high severe
simulate/64x64 time: [13.766 µs 13.769 µs 13.771 µs]
thrpt: [297.43 Melem/s 297.48 Melem/s 297.54 Melem/s]
time: [+6.7803% +6.8418% +6.9153%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-6.4680% -6.4037% -6.3498%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
3 (3.00%) low mild
1 (1.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
simulate/256x256 time: [218.72 µs 218.75 µs 218.78 µs]
thrpt: [299.55 Melem/s 299.60 Melem/s 299.63 Melem/s]
time: [+5.9635% +5.9902% +6.0154%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-5.6741% -5.6516% -5.6278%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
simulate/1024x1024 time: [7.8361 ms 7.9408 ms 8.0456 ms]
thrpt: [130.33 Melem/s 132.05 Melem/s 133.81 Melem/s]
time: [-0.3035% +1.6779% +3.6310%] (p = 0.09 > 0.05)
thrpt: [-3.5037% -1.6502% +0.3044%]
No change in performance detected.
Benchmarking simulate/4096x4096: Warming up for 3.0000 s
Warning: Unable to complete 100 samples in 5.0s. You may wish to increase target time to 6.9s, or reduce sample count to 70.
simulate/4096x4096 time: [70.898 ms 70.994 ms 71.088 ms]
thrpt: [236.01 Melem/s 236.32 Melem/s 236.64 Melem/s]
time: [+2.5330% +2.7397% +2.9421%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-2.8580% -2.6667% -2.4704%] Performance has
That’s not a speedup yet, but at least it is not a massive slowdown anymore.
Breaking the (dependency) chain
The reason why our diffusion gradient computation did not get faster with FMAs
is that it features two long addition dependency chains, one for acc_u
and one for acc_v
At each step of the original fold()
reduction loop, if we consider the
computation of acc_u
- There’s one
stencil_u - u
that can be computed as soon as inputstencil_u
is available.2 - Then one multiplication by
which can only be done once that subtraction is done. - And there is one final accumulation which will need to wait until the result
of the multiplication is available AND the result of the previous
computation is ready.
…and acc_v
plays a perfectly symmetrical role. But after introducing FMA, we
get this:
- As before, there’s one
stencil_u - u
that can be computed as soon as input is available. - And then there is one FMA operation that needs both the result of that
subtraction and the result of the previous
Overall, we execute less CPU instructions per loop iteration. But we also
lengthened the dependency chain for acc_u
because the FMA that computes it has
higher latency. Ultimately, the two effects almost cancel each other out, and we
get performance that is close, but slightly worse.
Can we break this acc_u
dependency chain and speed things up by introducing
extra instruction-level parallelism, as we did before when summing
floating-point numbers? We sure can try!
However, it is important to realize that we must do it with care, because introducing more ILP increases our code’s SIMD register consumption, and we’re already putting the 16 available x86 SIMD registers under quite a bit of pressure.
Indeed, in an ideal world, any quantity that remains constant across update loop iterations would remain resident in a CPU register. But in our current code, this includes…
- All the useful stencil element values (which, after compiler optimizer
deduplication and removal of zero computations, yields one register full of
copies of the
constant and another full of copies of the0.25
constant). - Splatted versions of all 5 simulation parameters
. - One register full of
s, matching our variableones
. - And most likely one register full of
, because one of these almost always comes up in SIMD computations. To the point where many non-x86 CPUs optimize for it by providing a fake register from which reads always return 0.
This means that in the ideal world where all constants can be kept resident in registers, we already have 9 SIMD registers eaten up by those registers, and only have 7 registers left for the computation proper. In addition, for each loop iteration, we also need at a bare minimum…
- 2 registers for holding the center values of u and v.
- 2 registers for successively holding
,stencil_u - u
and(stencil_u - u) * weight
before accumulation, along with the v equivalent. - 2 registers for holding the current values of
So all in all, we only have 1 CPU register left for nontrivial purposes before we start spilling our constants back to memory. Which means that introducing significant ILP (in the form of two new accumulators and input values) will necessarily come at the expense at spilling constants to memory and needing to reload them from memory later on. The question then becomes: are the benefits of ILP worth this expense?
Experiment time
Well, there is only one way to find out. First we try to introduce two-way ILP3…
// Compute SIMD versions of the stencil weights
let stencil_weights =|row|;
// Compute the diffusion gradient for U and V
let mut full_u_1 = (win_u[[0, 0]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][0];
let mut full_v_1 = (win_v[[0, 0]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][0];
let mut full_u_2 = (win_u[[0, 1]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][1];
let mut full_v_2 = (win_v[[0, 1]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][1];
full_u_1 = (win_u[[0, 2]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[0][2], full_u_1);
full_v_1 = (win_v[[0, 2]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[0][2], full_v_1);
full_u_2 = (win_u[[1, 0]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[1][0], full_u_2);
full_v_2 = (win_v[[1, 0]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[1][0], full_v_2);
assert_eq!(STENCIL_WEIGHTS[1][1], 0.0); // <- Will be optimized out
full_u_1 = (win_u[[1, 2]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[1][2], full_u_1);
full_v_1 = (win_v[[1, 2]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[1][2], full_v_1);
full_u_2 = (win_u[[2, 0]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][0], full_u_2);
full_v_2 = (win_v[[2, 0]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][0], full_v_2);
full_u_1 = (win_u[[2, 1]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][1], full_u_1);
full_v_1 = (win_v[[2, 1]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][1], full_v_1);
full_u_2 = (win_u[[2, 2]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][2], full_u_2);
full_v_2 = (win_v[[2, 2]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][2], full_v_2);
let full_u = full_u_1 + full_u_2;
let full_v = full_v_1 + full_v_2;
…and we observe that it is indeed quite a significant benefit for this computation:
simulate/16x16 time: [452.35 ns 452.69 ns 453.13 ns]
thrpt: [564.96 Melem/s 565.51 Melem/s 565.94 Melem/s]
time: [-57.479% -57.442% -57.399%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+134.73% +134.97% +135.18%]
Performance has improved.
Found 8 outliers among 100 measurements (8.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
7 (7.00%) high severe
simulate/64x64 time: [4.0774 µs 4.0832 µs 4.0952 µs]
thrpt: [1.0002 Gelem/s 1.0031 Gelem/s 1.0046 Gelem/s]
time: [-70.417% -70.388% -70.352%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+237.29% +237.70% +238.03%]
Performance has improved.
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
2 (2.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
simulate/256x256 time: [59.714 µs 59.746 µs 59.791 µs]
thrpt: [1.0961 Gelem/s 1.0969 Gelem/s 1.0975 Gelem/s]
time: [-72.713% -72.703% -72.691%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+266.18% +266.35% +266.47%]
Performance has improved.
Found 16 outliers among 100 measurements (16.00%)
4 (4.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
9 (9.00%) high severe
simulate/1024x1024 time: [7.0386 ms 7.1614 ms 7.2842 ms]
thrpt: [143.95 Melem/s 146.42 Melem/s 148.98 Melem/s]
time: [-11.745% -9.8149% -7.9159%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+8.5963% +10.883% +13.308%]
Performance has improved.
simulate/4096x4096 time: [37.029 ms 37.125 ms 37.219 ms]
thrpt: [450.78 Melem/s 451.91 Melem/s 453.08 Melem/s]
time: [-47.861% -47.707% -47.557%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+90.684% +91.229% +91.797%]
Performance has improved.
Encouraged by this first success, we try to go for 4-way ILP…
let mut full_u_1 = (win_u[[0, 0]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][0];
let mut full_v_1 = (win_v[[0, 0]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][0];
let mut full_u_2 = (win_u[[0, 1]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][1];
let mut full_v_2 = (win_v[[0, 1]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][1];
let mut full_u_3 = (win_u[[0, 2]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][2];
let mut full_v_3 = (win_v[[0, 2]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][2];
let mut full_u_4 = (win_u[[1, 0]] - u) * stencil_weights[1][0];
let mut full_v_4 = (win_v[[1, 0]] - v) * stencil_weights[1][0];
assert_eq!(STENCIL_WEIGHTS[1][1], 0.0);
full_u_1 = (win_u[[1, 2]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[1][2], full_u_1);
full_v_1 = (win_v[[1, 2]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[1][2], full_v_1);
full_u_2 = (win_u[[2, 0]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][0], full_u_2);
full_v_2 = (win_v[[2, 0]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][0], full_v_2);
full_u_3 = (win_u[[2, 1]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][1], full_u_3);
full_v_3 = (win_v[[2, 1]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][1], full_v_3);
full_u_4 = (win_u[[2, 2]] - u).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][2], full_u_4);
full_v_4 = (win_v[[2, 2]] - v).mul_add(stencil_weights[2][2], full_v_4);
let full_u = (full_u_1 + full_u_2) + (full_u_3 + full_u_4);
let full_v = (full_v_1 + full_v_2) + (full_v_3 + full_v_4);
…and it does not change much anymore on the Intel i9-10900 CPU that I’m testing on here, although I can tell you that it still gives ~10% speedups on my AMD Zen 3 CPUs at home.4
simulate/16x16 time: [450.29 ns 450.40 ns 450.58 ns]
thrpt: [568.16 Melem/s 568.38 Melem/s 568.52 Melem/s]
time: [-0.6248% -0.4375% -0.2013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+0.2017% +0.4394% +0.6287%]
Change within noise threshold.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
4 (4.00%) high mild
3 (3.00%) high severe
simulate/64x64 time: [4.0228 µs 4.0230 µs 4.0231 µs]
thrpt: [1.0181 Gelem/s 1.0182 Gelem/s 1.0182 Gelem/s]
time: [-1.4861% -1.3761% -1.3101%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+1.3275% +1.3953% +1.5085%]
Performance has improved.
Found 9 outliers among 100 measurements (9.00%)
2 (2.00%) low severe
4 (4.00%) low mild
1 (1.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
simulate/256x256 time: [60.567 µs 60.574 µs 60.586 µs]
thrpt: [1.0817 Gelem/s 1.0819 Gelem/s 1.0820 Gelem/s]
time: [+1.3650% +1.4165% +1.4534%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-1.4326% -1.3967% -1.3467%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 15 outliers among 100 measurements (15.00%)
1 (1.00%) low severe
1 (1.00%) low mild
3 (3.00%) high mild
10 (10.00%) high severe
simulate/1024x1024 time: [6.8775 ms 6.9998 ms 7.1208 ms]
thrpt: [147.26 Melem/s 149.80 Melem/s 152.47 Melem/s]
time: [-4.5709% -2.2561% +0.0922%] (p = 0.07 > 0.05)
thrpt: [-0.0921% +2.3082% +4.7898%]
No change in performance detected.
simulate/4096x4096 time: [36.398 ms 36.517 ms 36.641 ms]
thrpt: [457.88 Melem/s 459.44 Melem/s 460.94 Melem/s]
time: [-2.0551% -1.6388% -1.2452%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [+1.2609% +1.6661% +2.0982%]
Performance has improved.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
Finally, we can try to implement maximal 8-way ILP…
let full_u_1 = (win_u[[0, 0]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][0];
let full_v_1 = (win_v[[0, 0]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][0];
let full_u_2 = (win_u[[0, 1]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][1];
let full_v_2 = (win_v[[0, 1]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][1];
let full_u_3 = (win_u[[0, 2]] - u) * stencil_weights[0][2];
let full_v_3 = (win_v[[0, 2]] - v) * stencil_weights[0][2];
let full_u_4 = (win_u[[1, 0]] - u) * stencil_weights[1][0];
let full_v_4 = (win_v[[1, 0]] - v) * stencil_weights[1][0];
assert_eq!(STENCIL_WEIGHTS[1][1], 0.0);
let full_u_5 = (win_u[[1, 2]] - u) * stencil_weights[1][2];
let full_v_5 = (win_v[[1, 2]] - v) * stencil_weights[1][2];
let full_u_6 = (win_u[[2, 0]] - u) * stencil_weights[2][0];
let full_v_6 = (win_v[[2, 0]] - v) * stencil_weights[2][0];
let full_u_7 = (win_u[[2, 1]] - u) * stencil_weights[2][1];
let full_v_7 = (win_v[[2, 1]] - v) * stencil_weights[2][1];
let full_u_8 = (win_u[[2, 2]] - u) * stencil_weights[2][2];
let full_v_8 = (win_v[[2, 2]] - v) * stencil_weights[2][2];
let full_u = ((full_u_1 + full_u_2) + (full_u_3 + full_u_4))
+ ((full_u_5 + full_u_6) + (full_u_7 + full_u_8));
let full_v = ((full_v_1 + full_v_2) + (full_v_3 + full_v_4))
+ ((full_v_5 + full_v_6) + (full_v_7 + full_v_8));
…and it is undisputably slower:
simulate/16x16 time: [486.03 ns 486.09 ns 486.16 ns]
thrpt: [526.58 Melem/s 526.65 Melem/s 526.72 Melem/s]
time: [+7.6024% +7.8488% +7.9938%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-7.4021% -7.2776% -7.0653%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 18 outliers among 100 measurements (18.00%)
16 (16.00%) high mild
2 (2.00%) high severe
simulate/64x64 time: [4.6472 µs 4.6493 µs 4.6519 µs]
thrpt: [880.51 Melem/s 881.00 Melem/s 881.38 Melem/s]
time: [+15.496% +15.546% +15.598%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-13.494% -13.454% -13.417%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 7 outliers among 100 measurements (7.00%)
2 (2.00%) high mild
5 (5.00%) high severe
simulate/256x256 time: [68.774 µs 68.923 µs 69.098 µs]
thrpt: [948.45 Melem/s 950.86 Melem/s 952.91 Melem/s]
time: [+13.449% +13.563% +13.710%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-12.057% -11.943% -11.854%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 21 outliers among 100 measurements (21.00%)
1 (1.00%) low mild
4 (4.00%) high mild
16 (16.00%) high severe
simulate/1024x1024 time: [7.0141 ms 7.1438 ms 7.2741 ms]
thrpt: [144.15 Melem/s 146.78 Melem/s 149.50 Melem/s]
time: [-0.2910% +2.0563% +4.6567%] (p = 0.12 > 0.05)
thrpt: [-4.4495% -2.0149% +0.2918%]
No change in performance detected.
simulate/4096x4096 time: [38.128 ms 38.543 ms 38.981 ms]
thrpt: [430.39 Melem/s 435.29 Melem/s 440.03 Melem/s]
time: [+4.2543% +5.5486% +6.7916%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05)
thrpt: [-6.3597% -5.2569% -4.0807%]
Performance has regressed.
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
1 (1.00%) high mild
This should not surprise you: at this point, we have fully lost the performance benefits of fused multiply-add, and we use so many registers for our inputs and accumulators that the compiler will need to generate a great number of constant spills and reloads in order to fit the computation into the 16 microarchitectural x86 SIMD registers.
All in all, for this computation, the 4-way ILP version can be declared our performance winner.
The astute reader will have noticed that we cannot compare between FMA and multiply-add sequences yet because we have only implemented ILP optimizations in the FMA-based code, not the original code based on non fused multiply-add sequences.
Please assess the true performance benefits of FMAs on this computation by
starting from the 4-way ILP FMA version and replacing all mul_add
s with
multiply-add sequences, then comparing the benchmark results in both cases.
Find the results interesting? We will get back to them in the next chapter.
Yes, I know about those newer Intel CPU cores that have a third adder. Thanks Intel, that was a great move! Now wake me up when these chips are anywhere near widespread in computing centers.
The astute reader will have noticed that we can actually get rid of this subtraction by changing the center weight of the stencil. As this optimization does not involve any new Rust or HPC concept, it is not super interesting in the context of this course, so in the interest of time we leave it as an exercise to the reader. But if you’re feeling lazy and prefer to read code than write it, it has been applied to the reference implementation.
Must use the traditional duplicated code ILP style here because
cannot implement the optimization of ignoring the zero
stencil value at the center, which is critical to performance here.
This is not surprising because AMD Zen CPUs have more independent floating-point ALUs than most Intel CPUs, and thus it takes more instruction-level parallelism to saturate their execution backend.