Using rust_code_server

The rust_code_server environment provides a pre-configured development environment based on the VS Code editor, accessible from your web browser. It is the recommended route if you want to get a working environment with minimal effort on a native Linux system.

Setting up Docker or Podman

You should first install one of Docker Engine or Podman, if you have not done so already. The name of each container runtime in the previous sentence links to the recommended setup instructions.

If you are unfamiliar with containers and just want the easiest default choice, Docker is easiest to install and would therefore be my recommendation for beginners. Just make sure that you do go for a native installation of Docker Engine, and not a Docker Desktop installation. The latter is not suitable for using rust_code_server because it uses a hidden virtual machine under the hood, which will prevent you from using the integrated code editor later in this tutorial.1

After installation, you may need to do a little bit of extra system configuration to make the container runtime usable by non-root users (as explained in the installation instructions linked above). Then you should be able to run a test container that prints a hello world message.

Please pick your container runtime below to see the appropriate command for this test:

docker run hello-world

Without getting into details, we had to deal with a security/usability tradeoff here. Either we allowed everyone on your local network to access your code editor, or we broke Docker Desktop’s hidden VM. We chose the secure option that breaks Docker Desktop but keeps your code editor private.

Downloading the exercises source code

You may have been directed to this documentation some time ahead of the course, at a point where the material may not be fully finalized yet. To handle material evolution, and to allow you to save your work, we distribute the exercises’ source code via a separate archive that you should unpack somewhere on your machine. The resulting directory will then be mounted inside of the container.

Provided that the wget and unzip utilities are installed, you can download and unpack the source code in the current directory using the following sequence of commands:

if [ -e exercises ]; then
    echo "ERROR: Please move or delete the existing 'exercises' subdirectory"
    wget  \
    && unzip  \
    && rm

The following steps will assume that you are in the directory where the archive has been extracted, as if you just ran the sequence of commands above (an exercises/ subdirectory should be present in the output of ls).

Starting the container

Now that you have a working container runtime and the exercises’ source code, you should be able to run a container based on the development environment. We will need to change a few things with respect to the default configuration of docker run and podman run:

  • For interactive use, we will want to follow the container’s standard output and be able to interact with it using our terminal. This can be done using the -it pair of options.
  • There is no point in keeping around interactive containers after we have stopped them, so it is a good idea to automatically delete the container after use via the --rm option.
  • Our code editing environement uses an HTTP server on port 8080, which we must expose to be able to connect to it. The easiest way to do this is to use the --net=host option.
  • And finally, we need to mount the exercises material into the container so that it can be used inside. This can be done using the -v "$(pwd)/exercises":/home/jovyan/exercises option.
    • If you use podman, then you should add an :U suffix at the end of this option so that non-privileged users inside of the container get write access to the code.

Putting this all together, we get the following Docker and Podman command lines:

docker run --net=host --rm -it  \
           -v "$(pwd)/exercises":/home/jovyan/exercises  \

If you get an error message about port 8080 already being in use, it likely means that another software on your machine (e.g. Jupyter) is already listening for network connections on port 8080. In that case, you must hunt and close the offending software using tools like ss -tnlp.

Once you solve these TCP port allocation issues, you will get a few lines of output notifying you that code-server is ready to serve HTTP requests. Before that, there will be a message along these lines…

### Use the following password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

…where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a string of hexadecimal digits. Copy this string into your clipboard, then point your web browser to the URL, and paste the password when asked to. Once that is done, you should land into a browser-based version of VSCode.

Sadly, as you will quickly figure out, this code editor is not fully functional yet because it cannot write into the ~/exercises directory that we have mounted inside of the container.

To fix this, you will need to check back in the terminal where you ran the docker run command, and look for the container’s output right after the “Use the following password” line:

### If using Docker, mounted files must be chown'd to uuuu:gggg

…where uuuu and gggg are the UID and the GID of the user running the code editor inside of the container. This is the information that we are going to need next.

Fixing up file permissions

One drawback of using Linux containers is that the users inside of the containers do not match those of your local system, which causes all sorts of access permission problems when sharing files between the container and the host. Docker and Podman handle this issue a little differently.

With Docker, you are responsible for changing the permissions of the directories that you mount inside of the container, so that the user inside of the container can access it.

This can be done by running the command sudo chown -R uuuu:gggg exercises, where uuuu and gggg are the user and group ID that the container prints on startup.

You must do this in order to let the provided code editor edit files in the exercises/ directory.

At the end of the course, with both Docker and Podman, you will need to restore the original file permissions in order to be able to manipulate the exercises/ directory normally again. This can be done with the following command:

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) exercises/

Suggested workflow

The suggested workflow during the course is for you to have this course’s handouts opened in one browser tab, and the code editor opened in another tab. If your screen is large enough, two browser windows side by side will provide extra comfort.

After performing basic Visual Studio Code configuration, I advise opening a terminal, which you can do by showing the bottom pane of the code editor using the Ctrl+J keyboard shortcut.

You would then direct this terminal to the exercises directory if you’re not already there…

cd ~/exercises

And, when you’re ready to do the exercises, start running cargo run with the options specified by the corresponding course material.